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Don’t let your preoccupation with reality stifle your imagination; do not go where the path is leading, go where there is no path and leave a trail; if someday, why not now, even though the impossible may take a while.

The Rules of Life: The Planet Earth School, by Robert M. Nerem

Welcome to Peng Liu’s homepage. I am delving into brain-inspired modeling to understand human emotions and lay the groundwork for AI in Medicine. I will also introduce a course on Multimodal Data Mining to graduate students, covering machine learning, data integration, and analysis of biomedical data like medical images and genomics. Before this, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Functional Imaging and Naturalistic Neuroscience Lab at Dartmouth College.

My research interests span computational brain science, healthcare, machine learning, statistics, and intelligent algorithms. Education is also a passion of mine, and I am deeply committed to the following:

  • NeuroAI – Bringing AI and Psychological & Brain Science, I am focused on exploring the brain and mind, identifying neural mechanisms behind normal functions and mental disorders. This work seeks to enhance our understanding of human cognition using AI, which can lead to improved treatments for mental health conditions and further our understanding of human intelligence. This interdisciplinary approach aims to advance both scientific understanding and practical applications to benefit quality of life.
  • AI in Medicine, I am immensely interested in building automatic, robust, and explainable intelligent systems for disease diagnosis and interventions.
  • Machine Learning, Intelligent Algorithms, and Statistical Modeling,  Artificial Neural Networks, Probabilistic Programming, Variational Inference, Unsupervised Representation Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Bayesian Modeling. The Role of Models in Science

How to pronounce peng in American English?

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward.

Steve Jobs