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AmbientGAN: Generative models from lossy measurements


How can we train our generative models with partial, noisy observations”

Why do we care?

In many settings, it is expensive or even impossible to obtain fully-observed samples, but economical to obtain partial, noisy samples.

Proposes in this paper:

  • AmbientGAN: train the discriminator not on the raw day domain but on the measurement domain
  • Propose the way to train the generative model with a noisy, corrupted, or missing data without any clean images
  • Prove that it is theoretically possible to recover the original true data distribution even though the measurement process is not invertible






Generative Adversarial Networks


Limitation of GAN

  • Require Good (or fully observed ) training samples

Related work:

  • Compressed sensing attempts to address this problem by exploiting the models of the data structure, sparsity
  • Bora et al. ICML 2017 “Compressed Sensing using Generative Models”
  • Compressed sensing is a very promising study and can give amazing results (need to go deeper)

Chicken and Egg

  • they have proposed it is possible to solve the problem with a small number of measurements by using Generative models
  • what if it is even not possible to gather the good data in the first place?
  • How can we collect enough data to train a generative model to start with?


















  • it is possible to train the generator without fully-observed data
  • In theory, it is possible to find the true distribution by training the generator when the measurement process is invertible and differentiable
  • Empirically, it is possible to recover the good data distribution even though the measurement process is not clearly known.

Possible Applications?

  • OCR
  • Gayoung’s webtoon data
  • Adding Reconstructionloss and Cyclic loss
  • Learnable f(.) by FC
  • etc.

Qestions to consider:

  • Cycle-GAN v.s Ambient-GAN?
